Time is 7.30 pm, I quickly button up my favorite pink shirt, grab my jacket, scurrying across the room I nearly trip on the TV cable, the screen goes off momentarily then on again, at this juncture my heart is racing with rapid beats, I pull the window curtains and peep outside, its raining, clearly the weather does not give a damn about what lies ahead of me. With each and every minute the sound of rain lashing on the roof grow louder and louder. A streak of sweat cuts through the deodorant I had applied on my armpits as my eyes dart back and forth around the room scanning frantically for an umbrella in sight. All of sudden I hear the boom of thunder, the whole house is engulfed in pitch darkness, I personally have never understood why lights disappear when it rains heavily so I freeze for a moment then go for my phone from the breast pocket of my jacket. “Three missed calls from our Director” what! Now am kind of cooked and screwed at the same time! The premier for The Nairobi report and Deserted is just about to start and I am stuck in my house off-campus coz of the heavy rain pounding outside. I refuse to wait for the big debate on whether I should run in the rain or wait for it to subside, so I hurriedly fold my trouser up to knee length, grab an umbrella and rush out into the cold dark hazy night. As the Director of photography in the Nairobi report I vowed to attend the premier come rain or high water and come to think of it, it started to make sense as I jump from puddle to puddle and slid through the mud, panic grips me as water starts to sip into my highly polished leather shoes which I paid for through the nose “focus!” I silently tell myself, Mother Nature can be so unpredictable. My cold hands clench hard on the umbrella to prevent it from swaying side to side, the wind offers me no mercy and blows harder, I stagger on with a sober mind that all will go well at the premiere.

Time is 8.30 pm, At the Ict building on-campus the hall is dark except for the light coming from the projector near the dais, after the hassle of reaching here I am proud and humbled to see our movie trailer “The Nairobi report” playing on the big screen, murmurs can be heard from the crowd already seated and standing on the corridor- they have all braved the harsh weather to come for the premier, the air is eager and full of anticipation from the crowd waiting to watch our movie, I cannot complain at this point. Strategically I make my way along the aisle up to the front where I seat behind the projector. A hand touches my shoulder from behind, I turn around and who do I see… Dr. Donald Smith, the founder of Daystar University, he tells me to adjust the sound levels to reduce the distortion coming from the speakers. Dr. Donald Smith has come with his Mrs. Faye Smith they are our senior guests tonight. Sir Lotan is our emcee for tonight; he stirs up the crowd with his creative and witty communication skills. Just before the movie is played all members of crew and cast for both films are requested to go outside for a grand entrance. Clad in flowing dresses, beautiful hairdos, manicured nails, its all about pomp and glamour…the passengers have already boarded the plane, crew walks in, doors are closed “please fasten your seatbelts” the pilot announces from the intercom, Premier for The Nairobi report and Deserted taxis on the runway and takes off smoothly into the skies of success…